Terms and Conditions

Legally binding version

Human-readable version

Legally binding version is followed by the human-readable one

These Terms of Use (“Terms“) apply to website located at https://ego.jobs/ and associated application (hereinafter referred as “Website“) owned and operated by Jobberwocky Corporation. By using the Website or accessing any content provided on the Website, you agree to this Terms. Should you not agree to any provision of the Terms, you are not allowed to use this Website.

These are Terms of use for the Ego.jobs, the website you‘re currently using. Jobberwocky is a company behind it. If you don‘t agree with these terms, please do not use this website.

1. Registration and test operation
1.1. Test operation
  1. The Website is operated in test operation mode and therefore the functionality might be limited. It is very probable that the Website has faults and defects. By using the Website you acknowledge the risks associated with faulty operation and you use it on your own risk.
  2. By using the Website you volunteer for the testing the Website.
  3. Jobberwocky is not making any offer of services by operating the Website. The test operation is intended to test the Website and to fix any faults and defects not to offer any services.
  4. Jobberwocky has no obligation to provide you any services, deliver any goods or provide any other performance including any remuneration.
  5. Jobberwocky is allowed to use any information provided in order to test and improve the Website.
We‘re still in the early stages and figuring out all the quirks. Not all the functionality will work perfectly, so please use the website at your own risk.
1.2. Registration
  1. You must be 18 years and older in order to register an account on the Website.
  2. You can have only one account.
  3. You can register an account by filling in the registration form on the Website.
  4. You are only allowed to use email address under your control for the registration.
1.3. Responsibility of the user
  1. You are solely responsible for:
    • selecting strong password;
    • keeping the password safe;
    • filing in any information accurately;
You should register with an email you have access to and you should be 18 years old or older. Please choose a strong password to protect your account: it must have 8 characters in length and numbers.
1.4. Termination
  1. Jobberwocky can terminate the registration and close the associated account any time without prior notice.
  2. You can cancel the registration anytime.
  3. In case of termination or cancellation of a registration the associated account and any associated data might be deleted. Jobberwocky is not liable for any loss of data in connection with cancellation or termination of the registration.
You can cancel your registration at any time. The same goes to us — we can ban your account in case you do something dodgy. In such a case we might even delete your data. But that‘s not gonna happen, because you‘re cool and we‘re pretty okay, too.
2. Permitted and prohibited use
  1. You are only allowed to use the Website for your own personal use. In test operation the Website is not intended for professional use.
  2. You are only allowed to use the Website for lawful purposes in a mindful manner if you make sure you do not infringe any rights or cause any damages.
  3. Except for situation expressly stated in these Terms or the Website you are not allowed to:
    • copy, download or store any content of the Website or its source code;
    • alter, change or remove any content of the Website;
    • circumvent or interfere with any security measures of the Website;
    • create links to the Website for commercial purposes (from which you make direct or indirect profit) unless you have our consent or it is done in connection with publishing an unbiased review or similar purposes;
    • In any case you are not allowed to link to the Website from websites containing any unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, or offensive content;
    • you are not allowed to act in any way that may imply that Jobberwocky endorse you, your website, your services or products;

Please use this website for your own personal use. It‘s not a fully operational product yet (but it soon will be).

As said above, please be cool when using this website and try not to break too many things.

You probably won‘t need to download, modify and redistribute any parts of the website. If you really need to, please contact us and explain your reasons and we‘ll see what we can do. You should definitely not link to Jobberwocky or endorse us without consulting us beforehand.

3. Use of personal data
  1. Jobberwocky will process your personal data only according to relevant legislation.
  2. Processing of personal data is governed by Privacy policy.
We‘re going to respect your local legislation when it comes to your personal data. You can read our privacy policy for more details.
4. Confidentiality
  1. Jobberwocky will keep your data secure and private. Jobberwocky will not share your data with any third party unless you give your consent or it is necessary to deliver the services, protect legitimate interest of Jobberwocky, you or third party or it is stated in these Terms or Privacy policy.
  2. By using the Website and registering an account you take into account that the core principle of the service is to connect users. You agree that Jobberwocky can share information you provided to Jobberwocky with other users. The extent of information that is shared is specified in the Privacy policy.
We won‘t share any parts of your data with any third parties without your explicit consent unless we are forced by legislation to do so. Our mission is to connect users on our platform, not to sell their data.
5. Intellectual Property
  1. The Website and all its original content, trademarks and any other intellectual property belong to us or to its respective owners (including, but not limited to designs, text, information). We, and the respective owners, are the sole owner of all rights.
  2. You are not allowed to copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, exploit any content for commercial or noncommercial purposes. All the content is protected by the intellectual property laws.
  3. You are specifically not allowed to copy, reproduce, modify, distribute or use in any other way in part or in full the questionnaire used to create personal and professional profiles.
  4. If you provide Jobberwocky by any means with any copyrighted material you also give Jobberwocky nonexclusive unlimited right to use such material in any foreseeable manner without any remuneration. You are solely responsible that you are allowed to provide such right and that you are not infringing any rights.
Please do not copy any parts of our content without talking to us first. We definitely can work out terms of collaboration between us if needed, without involving our team of extremely vicious lawyers.
6. Copyright Infringement
  1. Jobberwocky is not liable for any infringement of copyright arising out of the content posted on the Website by users or any other third parties. If you believe that your rights in copyright are being violated, please notify us so we can investigate the situation and take an appropriate action.
  2. In order for to investigate your claim of infringement, you should send an email on info@ego.jobs and provide the following information:
    • electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on the copyright owner&s behalf;
    • description of the copyrighted work you claim has been infringed upon;
    • description of where the claimed infringed material is located on the Website;
    • your address, telephone number, and email address;
    • statement that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
We assume your profile does not have any copyrighted info. If it does, we assume you have the rights for distributing it. If you feel your rights are being violated, please drop us a line and we‘ll fix it.
7. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
  1. Jobberwocky makes no representation or warranty about the Website including any representation that the Website operation will be uninterrupted or error-free.
  2. The Website is not finished yet and is operating in temporary regime. The Website might not work at all or as intended.
  3. The Website is provided as is with all its faults and defects. If you decide to use ti it is on your own risk. By using the Website you agree to limit the liability of Jobberwocky for damages in the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and in the same extent you waive your right for compensation.
  4. Jobberwosky cannot be held liable for any damages including loss of profit arising from using the Website caused to third parties.
  5. Jobberwocky reserves the right to make changes or corrections to the Website at any time without prior notice.
  6. Jobberwocky reserves the right to shut down the Website for any reason at any time without prior notice.
Again, this gig is new, and we might have cracks and hiccups. Don‘t put information here that you can‘t afford to lose.
8. Indemnification
  1. You agree to indemnify and hold Jobberwocky harmless if you breach these Terms and Privacy Policy.
  2. You agree to indemnify Jobberwocky against any claims and expenses arising out of your use of the Website.
If you play by these simple rules, nothing bad will happen. (Not on this site, anyway.)
9. Breach of Terms
  1. Illegal and/or unauthorized uses of the Website will be investigated, and appropriate legal action will be taken.
  2. You shall be liable to Jobberwocky for all costs and damages, including incidental and consequential damages, resulting from a breach of these Terms or by infringement of any rights.
10. Severability
  1. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Jobberwocky and us concerning the use of the Website. If any provision of this agreement is deemed invalid the same shall not affect the other provisions or the whole of this agreement. The agreement will remain in full force and effect.
11. Applicable Law
  1. These Terms are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. Any dispute arising out of these Terms or in connection with these Terms shall be resolved by the competent courts of the Federal Republic of Germany.
We obey German laws and legislation.
12. Change of Terms
  1. Jobberwocky reserves the right to change these Terms in the future.
The most recent version of this document was created on the 21st of December, 2018. If this document is changed, we‘ll let you know immediately.
13. Effective date
  1. These Terms are effective from the date of publication and remain in force until revoked or replaced.
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